Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Reflection Clinical Practice II

Something I have been thinking about during Clinical Practice. Why do some teachers plain suck? I have been observing multiple teachers from last semester and this semester. I have seen GREAT teachers all the way to HORRIBLE teachers. It is very sad to see students being taught by these horrible teachers. I can see how bored students are and how much students want to get out of that class. Where is the learning in at? Where are the student oriented activities? Where are the differentiations? Where are the no child left behind theme? I am glad that I am able to see a perfect example of a horrible teacher because I take notes much more when I do observe these horrible teachers. These notes become my DO NOT's as a future educator. I believe it is much needed to observe a wide variety or teachers out there to figure out what kind of teacher I will be and what type of teacher I will NOT be. I know we ALL have been complaining about having horrible master teachers or what not, but instead of looking it at a negative experience, I believe we should ALL look at it as a positive experience. An experience that we will make sure not to give to our students in the future.

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