Thursday, March 29, 2012

Week 2 Clinical Practice

Almost finished with 2nd week of clinical practice. Bad news, this week has been rough. Good news, SPRING BREAK! Im here to discuss about the bad news. I am realizing the challenges and difficulty as a student teacher. Last semester was perfect with no challenges to where I thought I was a GREAT teacher. However, that dream lasted 1 semester. I have had more challenges in 2 weeks than I had all last semester. I am having difficulty with time management since I was so used to block schedules. I am also having difficulty with one of my classes since one of my CT is on maternity leave and I was left alone with a full time sub teaching a PLATO course (math lab class) by myself. Not only did I have to learn how the PLATO course works with the technology but also had to learn about classroom management. Lastly, the last challenge I have in my clinical practice is the challenge of not having the freedom to do what I want to do in the classroom. I have to follow a specific calendar and cannot be behind or be ahead of this calendar. Last semester my CT let me do whatever I wanted and we debriefed what went well and what I needed to change. This semester, everything seems scripted and I cannot teach freely.
Even with all these challenges, I am glad that I do have these challenges. Challenges will make me a better future educator. I would rather see all the challenges in my clinical practice than see it when I have my own classroom. This was a reality check and I hope that this will make me a successful future educator!

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